165 Lambert, 622 Auburn and 0 Gray Road (in Falmouth) are three of five parcels chosen by the City of Portland, Maine in 2019 to be redeveloped as mixed income, multigenerational housing. The parcel in Portland’s North Deering Neighborhood is almost 31 acres of wooded land, of which about half is wetlands, and only about 5 acres will be disturbed; the remainder will be conserved and made available to the public through trails. The sites are on either side Washington Ave Extension between two busy arterial roads, adjacent to residential areas and light industrial uses, and about a quarter mile from the Falmouth Spur highway, ¾ of a mile from the Falmouth Crossing shopping area, and 1.3 miles from Lyman Moore Middle School. The site is the farthest point of the Metro Bus #9 loop, which provides frequent service to all the middle and high schools, services, and downtown area. The project received site plan approval in February, 2023.
Lambert Woods North is planned to be 72 affordable apartments financed by the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program in partnership with Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), a non-profit affordable housing developer who will be the long term manager and owner. Construction is expected to start in Fall 2024.
Lambert Woods South is expected to be a Limited Equity Cooperative (LEC) neighborhood using the HUD 213 program. Construction is expected to start in Spring of 2025. Learn More about Limited Equity Cooperatives
Lambert Woods South Reservation process:
Step 1. Pre-Qualification Survey and Reservation Agreement. This survey expresses initial interest and confirms rough income and household size eligibility.
Step 2. Initial Deposit. Once we've reviewed your survey, we'll ask you to fill out a form and enter payment for a deposit of $500. Deposits are fully refundable should you change your mind or should a unit not be available for you.
Step 3. Subscription Agreements and Final Deposit. Starting Fall 2024, we will start contacting households to work with our financial partner to do a financial analysis including income, debts and credit score. Eligible households will be invited to sign a subscription agreement, choose a specific unit, and pay an additional refundable deposit so that total deposits equal 10% of the share price.
Step 4. Final Share Purchase. In 2025, just before move-in, we will contact you to pay the remainder of the full share price. Detailed process and underwriting guidelines, subject to change.
This site plan shows the road through the middle is Washington Ave Extension, with Auburn Street on the far right, and Lambert Street on the left. The part north of Washington Ave is called Lambert Woods North, and the south part Lambert Woods South. The square buildings are 10 and 11 unit Community Flats buildings. The Community Flats 10 unit buildings each have a social lobby, a function room, guest room, and a 2BR and 3BR on the first floor; the uppers floors each have two two bedroom and one bedroom units each. The 11 unit buildings has a studio instead of the guest room and function room. The long buildings are Rowhomes; they have 1BR homes on the first floor, and 3BR homes on the second and third floors.
Studio, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Floorplans
Neighborhood & Resident Meetings
Upcoming Events:
Check back for future meetings as they are scheduled. We look forward to you joining us! Can't attend a meeting? email us with your feedback.
Past Events and Materials:
Saturday, Oct 29, 2022, 10:30 amPortland Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Neighborhood Walk Audit The Portland Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is coming to the Summit St/ Lambert neighborhood on Oct 29th to work on a walking audit of the area. The start time is at 10:30AM and will meet at 501 Summit St.
Portland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee advocates and educates on bicycle, transit, and pedestrian issues, including handicap accessibility, with support from the city’s Healthy Portland office, and in collaboration with other offices and organizations including the Bicycle Coalition of Maine, Portland Trails, PACTS, the Department of Public Services and the Planning Department. The committee will work on an audit of the neighborhood and submit it to the city with recommendations.
Thursday, August 4, 2022 6pm Neighborhood & Future Residents Meeting Location: In Person or by Zoom. In person: Town and Country Federal Credit Union's branch office at 3 Auburn Street in Portland. The location is on the Northeast Corner of Auburn and Allen, near Shaws and TD Bank at Westgate shopping center. We will have light refreshments We have submitted a site plan for approval by the planning board. At this meeting, we plan to review the site plan briefly, and to review possible pedestrian improvements that could happen along Washington Ave Ext. We hope to work with neighborhood residents and the city to enact some pedestrian improvements. Your participation and advocacy can help make it safer to walk in the neighborhood.
Thursday, May 5, 2022 6:30pm Neighborhood & Future Residents Meeting via Zoom and phone to review draft site plan updates. This is an official meeting noticed to abutters.
Monday, July 26, 2021 6-8pm at PelotonLabs, 795 Congress Street, "Drink & Crit" : Portland Society of Architecture, MCDP, and PelotonLabs invite the design community and other interested parties to provide feedback on the plans to date.
Thursday, April 8, 2021 7pm: Neighborhood Zoom and Phone Meeting to discuss a proposed zoning map and text amendment to meet the Lambert Woods neighborhood goals to provide housing and conserve habitat.
Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 2pm: Neighborhood Site Walk Corner of Lambert and Washington; please wear a mask and plan to maintain 6 feet distance from others.